Michigan's Trusted HVAC Experts Since 1981

Jackson's Furnace Repair Specialists

Are certain areas of your home feeling unusually cold? Do you hear strange noises like banging or groaning coming from your walls, especially at night? Before you consider calling the Ghostbusters, it might be wise to reach out to a local furnace repair company. These symptoms are often indicative of a heating issue, and in many cases, they can be resolved by a skilled HVAC technician. To gain a deeper understanding of furnaces and the repairs they may require, continue reading.

For heating repair services in Jackson, Michigan, and the surrounding areas, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (517) 879-2049.

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Furnace Repair Tips

Furnace repair involves diagnosing and resolving issues within heating systems to restore efficient operation and comfort in homes. Certified technicians conduct thorough inspections to identify problems such as malfunctioning igniters, faulty thermostats, or worn-out components. Repair procedures may include replacing damaged parts, cleaning dirty components, or adjusting settings to optimize performance. Safety protocols are followed to ensure proper operation and mitigate risks such as carbon monoxide leaks. Timely repairs prevent further damage and costly breakdowns, ensuring uninterrupted warmth during cold seasons. Professional expertise and specialized tools are essential for accurate diagnosis and effective repair, providing homeowners with reliable heating solutions for their homes.

There are occasions when issues arise in the heating process. While sometimes this leads to an obvious problem like a complete furnace breakdown, it isn’t always so apparent. Often, the signs prompting a call to a Jackson HVAC contractor are more subtle. To prevent minor issues from escalating into major ones, it’s crucial to watch out for the following:

  1. Unusual Smells: When you initially switch on your furnace for the season, you might detect a musty odor, typically from dust burning off accumulated during the idle months. However, if you notice a persistent or sudden odor, it’s time to contact a Jackson HVAC professional.

  2. Strange Noises: Is your furnace making banging sounds or other unusual noises? This could stem from various issues with the unit, best diagnosed by a heating repair expert. Call (517) 879-2049 to arrange for furnace repair in Jackson and Michigan.

  3. Increased Service Calls: While every furnace will require servicing at some point, if you find yourself making multiple calls in a single heating season, it suggests an aging system in need of attention.

  4. Rising Utility Bills: While cooler temperatures naturally lead to increased energy consumption, a sudden, dramatic rise in fuel usage warrants investigation by our Jackson HVAC experts.

  5. Visual Rust: While some rust with age is expected, excessive rust, particularly on the flue, could indicate improper venting. This poses safety risks, and if left unaddressed, could lead to deadly carbon monoxide contamination.

  6. Frequent Cycling: If your furnace is frequently turning on and off, there’s likely an underlying issue hindering its proper operation. Our Jackson heating repair experts can swiftly identify and rectify the problem.

  7. Start-Up Problems: Is your furnace failing to kick in when the temperature drops below the set point on your thermostat? Are you hearing clicking noises during start-up? These issues often foreshadow an imminent furnace breakdown, requiring prompt attention.

Fortunately, Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning is equipped to handle furnace repairs of any scale. While our primary service area is in Jackson County, we are also renowned and trusted throughout the neighboring regions.

It’s crucial for homeowners to understand which parts of their furnace are most prone to failure. This knowledge enables better communication when discussing heating issues with us. In our experience fixing heating systems in Jackson, we frequently encounter the following culprits, some of which can be addressed without the need for a service call:

  1. Clogged Filters: Regularly replacing your furnace filter, especially if you have pets, is essential. A clogged filter restricts airflow, causing your heating system to work harder and reducing efficiency. It’s also detrimental to indoor air quality.

  2. Bad Thermostats: A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to difficulty in achieving desired temperatures. Ensure it has fresh batteries and is set to HEAT with the run method on AUTO.

  3. Ignition Failure: Ignition issues, such as a failed pilot light or surface ignitor, can leave your furnace unable to heat the air. Regular checks and cleaning by a Jackson-area HVAC professional can prevent this.

  4. Exhaust Blower Issues: The exhaust blower is responsible for safely venting combustion gases outdoors. Failure of this component can cause the furnace to cycle on and off or shut down.

  5. Blower Motor Failure: The blower motor circulates air throughout your home. Overheating or debris accumulation can lead to its failure. Regular duct cleaning and furnace tune-ups can help maintain optimal blower performance.

  6. Bad Heat Exchanger: A compromised heat exchanger, often due to holes or cracks, can be costly to replace. Some homeowners opt to replace the entire furnace in such cases, but expert evaluation is recommended.

Fortunately, Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning is equipped to handle all these issues and more! We’re your trusted partner for furnace maintenance and repairs in Jackson. Don’t let the need for Jackson furnace repair spoil your day. Contact us at (517) 879-2049 instead.

When you’re facing furnace issues in Jackson or Michigan, it’s essential to choose the right HVAC company for the job. With numerous options available, it’s crucial to select a trusted provider.

For reliable furnace repair or replacement, turn to the seasoned professionals at Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning! Our extensive list of satisfied customers speaks volumes about the quality of our service. With over 43 years of dedicated service to the Jackson community, we possess the expertise needed to address your furnace concerns promptly and effectively. Whether it’s repairing a malfunctioning furnace or upgrading an outdated unit, our company follows well-established procedures to ensure top-notch results. In summary, when it comes to furnace repair, you can always rely on Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning for exceptional service and craftsmanship. Get in touch with us today to schedule your furnace repair in Jackson.

A man with crossed arms wearing a white shirt with a name tag and an American flag patch, representing Jackson Plumbing services.
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Why Choose Us?

We have been dedicated to providing the absolute best home heating and cooling services to the Jackson County area since we opened our doors back in 1981. From the professionalism of our salespeople, to the dedication of our technicians, we are committed to delivering you the absolute best HVAC services. We take our responsibility very seriously when you place your trust in us and provide both performance and satisfaction guarantees on all of the work that we complete. Call us today or schedule your service to find out for yourself why we have earned a reputation of integrity and quality work since we opened our doors in 1981.

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Home Maintenance Plans To Keep Your HVAC Equipment Running Strong

Frequently Asked Questions

Would you ask this question about oil changes? Probably not… As complex pieces of machinery, your air conditioner and furnace are not that different from your car. They need regular maintenance to function efficiently and routine inspections can ensure your equipment stays running strong and issue free year round. Annual maintenance inspections will catch small problems before they become major issues and will give you the peace of mind that you have done all you can to protect your investment on your home heating and cooling systems.

You’ll typically pay $80 to $200 for an A/C or furnace tune-up in Jackson. The amount depends on a variety of items including the number and size of your air conditioning units. Accessibility can also be a factor. While this may seem like a decent chunk of change, it’s a lot cheaper than paying for AC repair or replacement in Jackson. For savings opportunities, we suggest checking out our Comfort Club.

You hear your air conditioner buzzing along, but the number on the thermostat keeps climbing. When you check a nearby vent, you find the air from it is temperate at best. The lack of cold air has three likely causes:

  • Condenser Issues: Condensers in Jackson are typically located outside the home. They can sometimes get blocked by plants and other debris. Seasonal tree shedding is notorious. Clean it off. Your equipment should also be kept at least three feet from other objects.
  • Dirty Filters: You’re meant to change your furnace filter on a monthly basis. This is true even during AC season. Have you been doing that? If not, go check your filter. For anything darker than light grey, replace it with a new one. After changing the filter, give the unit time to adjust.
  • Evaporator Coil Issues: Filled with refrigerant, your evaporator coil is responsible for pulling the heat out of the air. If you see ice on it, the coil is likely the cause of your HVAC problems.

If these changes don’t help, give us a call at (517) 879-2049.

A lot of clients ask us this question. They want to know how much a new system or repair will cost before we evaluate your situation. Because of the numerous factors involved in heating and cooling systems, it’s nearly impossible to accurately provide estimates until we are on site and able to diagnose the problem. Once our technicians have been able to properly diagnose your issue, they will provide you with an itemized list of what needs to be repaired and will provide you with a final price to repair your HVAC issue.

With your typical HVAC system counting for roughly half of your energy consumption, you should always be looking for ways to cut down on energy consumption. If your electric or heating bills are giving you the blues, consider:

  • Upgrading Your System: Though this may seem like a counterintuitive way to save money, this move often pays for itself. Newer units not only cost less to run but also tend to be more environmentally friendly.
  • Opt for an Energy Efficient Cooling System: Going for an ENERGY STAR unit can save you hundreds of dollars each year according to data from the US Department of Energy. Rebates are often available to make new installations more affordable.
  • Landscape Around Your Unit: Make sure that the area around your air conditioner is clear of brush and debris. Plants should be kept two to three feet away from the equipment. You should also turn off the unit every so often to hose down the sides. These obstacles can make it more difficult for your unit to perform at an acceptable level.
  • Keep Your Curtains Closed: To limit summer cooling costs in Jackson, make sure to keep your curtains and windows closed. The less heat introduced into your rooms, the more efficiently your air conditioner can do its job.

Below are a few quick tips to help you navigate no heat issues at your home before calling a technician to diagnose your issue:

  • Is power getting to your furnace or heater? Is a fuse or circuit breaker tripped? Make sure your power switch is in the ON position.
  • When was the last time you swapped out your filter? If it’s been a while, try installing a new filter first. This can solve a lot of heating problems.
  • Verify your thermostat is set to “heat” and not “cool”. If you notice the display is dim, try swapping out the batteries on the back of the unit.
  • Is there snow or other debris blocking your outdoor vent? If so, remove the obstruction. This will allow your system to work more effectively.

If you still don’t have heat, give us a call right away at (517) 879-2049 and we will get a technician to your home ASAP to diagnose and repair your heating issue.

Financing Options For Every Budget


We offer a wide range of financing options for every budget and situation and can finance both large and small HVAC projects. For more information, call us today to speak with a member of our team who can answer any questions you may have. For immediate approval, click on the link below to get approved in just a few minutes.

Two people smiling and looking at heating and cooling documents, one signing a paper, in a bright office setting.
Excellence has been our hallmark since 1981

Aspen One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning

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Map of Michigan with highlighted counties in the Eastern Time Zone, marked by heating and cooling symbols on the southeastern and southern parts of the state.

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